lundi 25 juillet 2011

Welcome to Masonichip International!

Welcome to the new “cloud computing” informational portal supporting Masonic Safety Identification Programs conducted independently at differing levels of activity by over (35) Grand Lodges of Masons in North America. It is managed by the Directors of MasoniCHIP International a 501 (c)(3) non-profit public foundation of the Conference of Grand Master of Masons in North America.

Our goal is to put the tools and information in the hands of our volunteers to cost effectively manage our public service initiatives 24/7. What you see on this public website is but the tip of the iceberg, the hub and instructional tool to expose all to the benefits of employing a totally "on-line" web server system to manage a MasoniCHIP initiative. Currently (9) Grand Lodges are collaborating to share technology and development costs of operation on a common server platform with "open source" server-based products from around the globe... yet each individually customizes and is in control of their own database driven communication tool to make of what they will. Collaboration allows us to continually upgrade our technology to benefit all in this ever expanding information age.

Je pense qu'il est facile de comprendre à quoi servira leur base de données.

2 commentaires:

  1. On aurait dû se méfier bien avant...Staline, Stallone, c'est la même racine...

  2. ou plutot c'est le même nom...à une voyelle près :)


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